Vacuum pumps for men
Vakuové pumpy pro pány jsou ideálním pomocníkem při problémech s erekcí, ale můžete je použít i při sebeuspokojování. Do vakuové pumpy vložíte svůj penis, pomocí balónku nebo pumpičky odsajete vzduch a Váš penis se rázem začne zvětšovat a tvrdnout. Během chvilky budete připraveni na kvalitní sex. Doporučujeme natřít okraj vakuové pumpy olejíčkem nebo lubrikačním gelem pro lepší přilnavost a bezbolestné odnímání. Výborná je také kombinace vakuové pumpy spolu se škrtícím kroužkem, který Vaši erekci udrží déle.
Most selling
Fusion X Automatic Aqua Penis Pump (Clear), men's vacuum pump
Fully waterproof automatic penis pump. Extra size for your boobies completely effortlessly with the aid of water.
Boss Series Power Pump MAX (Black), vacuum pump 20x7 cm
The Boss Series Power Pump MAX vacuum pump is for men looking for new options. Regular use will ensure a better long-lasting erection and a longer, stronger penis. Boost your confidence with a bigger penis. A practical ruler on the cylinder.
Boss Series Power Pump MAX (Clear), vacuum pump 20x7 cm
The Boss Series Power Pump MAX vacuum pump is for men looking for new options. Regular use will ensure a better long-lasting erection and a longer, stronger penis. Boost your confidence with a bigger penis. A practical ruler on the cylinder.
Power Pump Electric Vacuum 0.2 (Clear), electric penis pump
A penis pump for those who want something more. Comfort with the Power Pump electric penis vacuum pump. Boost your confidence with a properly hard penis.
Boss Series Power Pump MAX (Purple), vacuum pump 20x7 cm
The Boss Series Power Pump MAX vacuum pump is for men looking for new options. Regular use will ensure a better long-lasting erection and a longer, stronger penis. Boost your confidence with a bigger penis. A practical ruler on the cylinder.
Boss Series Power Pump MAX (Red), vacuum pump 20x7 cm
The Boss Series Power Pump MAX vacuum pump is for men looking for new options. Regular use will ensure a better long-lasting erection and a longer, stronger penis. Boost your confidence with a bigger penis. A practical ruler on the cylinder.
NS Novelties Colossus Pump, electric penis pump
Colossal results with the Colossus pump. The Enlarge collection for men. Penis pump with 2 entrances: classic donut and masturbation insert.
Boss Series Power Pump MAX (Blue), vacuum pump 20x7 cm
The Boss Series Power Pump MAX vacuum pump is for men looking for new options. Regular use will ensure a better long-lasting erection and a longer, stronger penis. Boost your confidence with a bigger penis. A practical ruler on the cylinder.
Power Pump MAX 0.2 (Clear), vacuum pump for penis
It will literally pump you up. Clear MAX penis pump with maximum effect. Boost your confidence with a properly hard penis.