Vacuum pumps for men
Vakuové pumpy pro pány jsou ideálním pomocníkem při problémech s erekcí, ale můžete je použít i při sebeuspokojování. Do vakuové pumpy vložíte svůj penis, pomocí balónku nebo pumpičky odsajete vzduch a Váš penis se rázem začne zvětšovat a tvrdnout. Během chvilky budete připraveni na kvalitní sex. Doporučujeme natřít okraj vakuové pumpy olejíčkem nebo lubrikačním gelem pro lepší přilnavost a bezbolestné odnímání. Výborná je také kombinace vakuové pumpy spolu se škrtícím kroužkem, který Vaši erekci udrží déle.
Most selling
CRUIZR CP03 Deluxe Automatic Masturbator
A luxurious and discreet masturbator that swallows your entire penis. Vibration and suction in a single product. 6+7 programs await you right out of the box. The modern man's best friend.
Pipedream PDX Extreme Pro Rechargeable Vibrating Penis Pump with Suction
Revolutionary Vacuum Pump and Masturbator in One Pipedream PDX Elite Extender For Vibrating Penis Pump. Maximum length 27 cm, diameter up to 8 cm. 5 vibration modes, 3 suction levels. Fully automatic. Rechargeable battery. Luxury design. ED Aid. ABS.
Fusion X Automatic Magnify Penis Pump (Clear), men's vacuum pump
Does your penis look bigger to you? Yes, it is! Vacuum pump for a firmer erection with an optically enlarging masturbator insert.
Realov Smart Penis Pump
Enjoy perfect enjoyment with the Realov smart pump. Tailor-made experience. The fully automatic vacuum machine is operated with one hand. 3 different exercise modes. Clear cylinder with precision ruler. Rechargeable.
Realov Masturbating Smart Penis Pump
Enjoy perfect enjoyment with the Realov smart pump. Tailor-made experience. The fully automatic vacuum machine is operated with one hand. 3 different exercise modes. Clear cylinder with precision ruler. Rechargeable.
Realov LuvPump Smart Penis Pump
Tailor-made experience - the clever Realov LuvPump vacuum pump. The vacuum machine with LCD display adapts everything to your needs. Full control over suction. Smart mode with automatic selection. Clear cylinder with precision ruler.
Realov LuvPump Masturbating Smart Penis Pump
Tailor-made experience - the clever Realov LuvPump vacuum pump. The vacuum machine with LCD display adapts everything to your needs. Full control over suction. Smart mode with automatic selection. Clear cylinder with precision ruler.