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Menstrual cups

Proč si pořídit menstruační kalíšek?

  • ušetříš peníze (protože ho koupíš jen jednou),
  • snížíš množství odpadu (protože nepoužíváš každý měsíc nové vložky nebo tampony),
  • je skvělý na cesty nebo sport.

Navíc, máš na výběr z různých velikostí a tvarů podle toho, co ti bude nejvíc vyhovovat.

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Most selling

Natural Wellness Iris (20 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in large design (20 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Iris (15 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in small design (15 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Magnolia (20 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in large design (20 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Magnolia (15 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in small design (15 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Orchid (20 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in large design (20 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Orchid (15 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in small design (15 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Peony (20 ml), menstrual cup

Out of stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in large design (20 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Peony (15 ml), menstrual cup

Out of stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in small design (15 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Tulip (20 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in large design (20 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

Natural Wellness Tulip (15 ml), menstrual cup

In stock
5,96 €

Lola Games Natural Wellness menstrual cup for your comfort. Cup in small design (15 ml). Made of safe silicone that does not disturb your vaginal flora. Designed for multiple uses.

EVE menstrual cup size S

In stock
9,96 €

Thinking about the EVE Menstrual Cup? It not only brings comfort and freedom, but is also gentle on your skin and health. Perfect fit and protection wherever you are. Say goodbye to worry, welcome a new era of convenience.

EVE menstrual cup size L

In stock
9,96 €

Thinking about the EVE Menstrual Cup? It not only brings comfort and freedom, but is also gentle on your skin and health. Perfect fit and protection wherever you are. Say goodbye to worry, welcome a new era of convenience.

Satisfyer Feel Secure Light Blue (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Secure Dark Green (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Secure Dark Blue (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Good Lila (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Good Dark Blue (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Confident Lila (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set
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Satisfyer Feel Confident Lila (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €
7,96 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Satisfyer Feel Confident Dark Blue (15ml + 20ml), menstrual cups set

In stock
11,80 €

A set of menstrual cups from the world-famous brand Satisfyer. Made of medical silicone - 100% safe and comfortable to use. The set contains a 15ml and 20ml cup. Suitable for both beginners and experienced women. It is easy to clean.

Menstrual Cup Purple Small - S

In stock
15,80 €

It has an optimal size and shape with a smooth surface, very easy to maintain, it is ideal for all sports, travel, vacation and normal daily activity.

Menstrual Cup Purple Large - L

In stock
15,80 €

It has an optimal size and shape with a smooth surface, very easy to maintain, it is ideal for all sports, travel, vacation and normal daily activity.


Co to vlastně je menstruační kalíšek

Menstruační kalíšek je takový maličký "pohárek", který ženy vkládají do pochvy během menstruace. Místo toho, aby absorboval krev (jako vložka nebo tampon), kalíšek ji sbírá uvnitř. Když je plný (což může být až po 12 hodinách), stačí ho vyjmout, vyprázdnit, omýt a zase ho vložit zpátky. A to nejlepší? Můžeš ho používat znovu a znovu!

Proč bys měla kalíšek vyzkoušet

  1. Ekologický: Opakovaně použitelný, takže šetříš planetu.
  2. Ekonomický: Koupíš jednou a můžeš ho používat roky. Na dlouhou trať ušetříš.
  3. Komfort: Správně nasazený kalíšek necítíš a můžeš s ním dělat skoro cokoli - sportovat, plavat nebo tančit celou noc!
  4. Bezpečný: Vyroben z lékařského silikonu, latexu nebo elastomeru, takže je hypoalergenní a neobsahuje chemikálie.

Ale upřímně, jsou i nějaké nevýhody:

  1. Začátek je těžký: Může trvat nějakou dobu, než se naučíš kalíšek správně vkládat a vyndávat.
  2. Údržba: Musíš ho pravidelně čistit a jednou za čas vyvařit.

Pokud tedy hledáš způsob, jak učinit svoji menstruaci ekologičtější, ekonomičtější a komfortnější, menstruační kalíšek by mohl být tou správnou volbou. Navíc, když už jsi tady, proč nezkusit něco nového a inovativního? ????

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