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Inflatable dolls

Do you have sex and you don't have anyone? Never mind, there are our inflatable sex dolls who will satisfy you whenever you feel like it. The artificial dolls are made of pleasant fine latex and offer all the interesting parts of the body to explore. Get a nurse or a policewoman, for example. If you are looking for a sex doll as a real one, choose from a menu of realistic silicone sex dolls.

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Boss Series ANGELINA 3D vibrating inflatable doll
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Boss Series ANGELINA 3D vibrating inflatable doll

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71,80 €

Exclusive inflatable angelina 3D. Handsome 3D face with soft lips and soft hair. Detailed vagina and anus. Vibrating egg with adjustable modes. An inflatable pump is included.

Boss Series Married Love Doll

In stock
31,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. 3D realistic vagina and anus. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Single Girl Love Doll
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Boss Series Single Girl Love Doll

In stock
31,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. 3D realistic vagina and anus. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Divorced Love Doll

In stock
31,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. 3D realistic vagina and anus. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Isaura Love Doll

In stock
23,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Suzuki Love Doll

In stock
23,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Monika Love Doll
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Boss Series Monika Love Doll

In stock
19,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

Boss Series Roma Love Doll

In stock
23,80 €

Inflatable sex doll with realistic photo face. It will offer you all 3 of its holes. Oral, anal, vagina, you will experience everything with her. PVC material. He is waiting for you! A nice variety of lively parties.

LOLITA 3D inflatable sex doll with face

In stock
31,80 €

Inflatable virgin for fun evenings. It has a 3D face with hair for a more realistic feeling. The virgin is a total of 165 cm high. It gives you a choice of its 3 holes. PVC material. A nice variety of fun parties.

Brandy Big Boob Inflatable Doll

In stock
39,80 €

Did you know that Brandy Big Boob offers three different channels for maximum pleasure? Vagina, mouth and anus. Each one is designed for a unique experience.

Gia Transsexual inflatable doll

In stock
55,80 €

Gia is made of soft, phthalate-free PVC. Its realistic feel will draw you into the world of fantasy. It has two super tight love holes and a removable penis.

African Queen inflatable sex doll
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African Queen inflatable sex doll

In stock
23,80 €

Are you planning an unforgettable bachelorette party? African Queen is the perfect choice! Her realistic appearance and sensual curves will ensure that she becomes the center of attention.

Becky - Inflatable sex doll

In stock
31,80 €

Becky is not just an ordinary bouffant. It is a companion for lonely evenings that will never let you down.

Naomi- inflatable sex doll

In stock
35,80 €

Surprise your partner or celebrate your bachelorette party with Naomi. This unique sexual accessory will add unforgettable fun and humor to your celebrations. Experience a night you'll never forget.

Fatima Fong - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Fatima Fong: Not just an ordinary companion. With its three loving openings and realistic appearance, it brings a new dimension to your intimate life.

Joann - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Discover with Joann the key to unlimited possibilities. Its discreet nature and easy storage make it the ideal companion for any occasion, allowing you to live your life without limitations.

Dianna - Inflatable Doll

In stock
23,80 €

Looking for the perfect bachelorette party gift? Dianna delivers an experience that will be remembered long after the party is over.

Anna - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Discover a new dimension of society with Anna. She is not just a doll, she is a friend who is there for you 24/7. No more compromises, just unlimited understanding and pleasure.

Mandy - inflatable sex doll

In stock
31,80 €

Try something new! Mandy, the inflatable companion, is here to expand your horizons and bring endless hours of joy and satisfaction.

Earth - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Try something new! Earth, the inflatable companion, is here to expand your horizons and bring endless hours of joy and satisfaction.

Ocean - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Try something new! Ocean, the inflatable companion, is here to expand your horizons and bring endless hours of joy and satisfaction.

Fire - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Let yourself be warmed by the flame of passion with Fire, an inflatable companion that is always ready for your fantasies. Realistic look, faithful touch.

Storm - inflatable sex doll

In stock
27,80 €

Awaken your senses with Storm, an inflatable companion that will never let you down. Ready to fulfill your every fantasy.

Pamela - inflatable sex doll

In stock
39,80 €

Are you looking for someone who will never turn down your invitation? Inflatable Pamela is ready to make your evenings full of passion more pleasant and will never say no to your desires.


Co je nafukovací panna

S nafukovací pannou si nejčastěji užijí single muži, ale určitě najde místo v ložnici zvídavého páru, který chce okořenit sexuální život. Vybírej z celé řady modelů, liší se většinou velikostí a tvarem poprsí. Většina pannen má tři otvory – vagínu, anál, ústa. Existují i modely s odnímatelnými částmi.

 Chcete si při sexu s panou dopřát příjemnou dávku vibrací? U nás narazíš i na vibrační panny s nastavitelnými režimy. 


Jak správně používat nafukovací pannu

Postupuj přesně podle přiloženého návodu. Pannu nenechávej nafouknutou. Před každým použitím ji nafoukni zvlášť. Nezapomeň použít lubrikační gel a pokud se jedná o silikonovou pannu, tak jedině lubrikační gel na bázi vodyAž si užiješ, důkladně ji vyčisti viz FAQ níže. Jakmile panna uschne, vyfoukni ji a ulož. 


FAQ pro nákup nafukovacíh pannen

  • Jak mám postupovat v případě poškození?

    Pokud pannu poškodíš mechanicky, můžeš si dokoupit opravnou sadu. U modelů vyšší cenové kategorie, je sada na opravu běžnou součástí balení. 

  • Jak probíhá údržba nafukovací panny?

    Pro maximální hygienu ji po použití důkladně vyčisti teplou mýdlovou vodou a použij dezinfekci.

  • Co všechno bývá součástí balení?

    U základních modelů pouze nafukovací panna, u pokročilejších dostaneš také nafukovací pumpu a sadu s náhradními díly na opravu v případě poškození.

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