Dobrý produkt za dobrou cenu. Používám teprve chvilku, ale zatím nemám žádné výhrady.
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Universal erotic cleaner for the effective destruction of all bacteria. Boss Series Toy Cleaner is a clear bottle and practical spray applicator. Total volume 150 ml. Active ingredients ensure highest hygiene and cleanliness.
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Dobrý produkt za dobrou cenu. Používám teprve chvilku, ale zatím nemám žádné výhrady.
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Jsem spokojená
Boss Series Toy Cleaner is an important tool when looking for a reliable way to clean sex toys. Their surface will be cleaner than ever, without bacteria. Boss Series Toy Cleaner uses exclusive ingredients of the highest quality, active ingredients to effectively clean the surface. The balanced composition leaves the surface clean, hygienic - only the best results. Pure cleaning fluid can be used on any erotic toy regardless of its surface material.
Cleaning erotic toys is extremely important, not only for the health of the toys, but also for your health. In order to prevent any formation of bacteria on toys, it is important to maintain them regularly with quality cleaners. Boss Series Toy Cleaner is good to use before, but also after each used erotic gadgets.
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