Bondage ropes and tapes
Jste milovníky Bondage a drsnějších sexuálních praktik? Potom rozhodně nepřehlédněte naší skvělou nabídku Bondage a lan. Bondage - svazování Nabízíme pomůcky pro něžný milostný bondage, ale i pro ostřejší a tvrdší praktiky. Nabízíme pouta, obojky, bondage a další
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TABOOM Bondage Rope 10 meter / 7 mm (Black)
Experience your fantasy kinky with the TABOOM Bondage Rope. High quality solid mooring rope with a fine surface. A nice start to the BDSM world of bonding. Suitable for beginners and experienced. Length 10 meters, ⌀ 7 mm.
Lola Games Vanilla Oxytocin Bondage Tape 20m (Black), sexy bondage tape
The tying couldn't have been easier. Tape to tie hands and feet, faster than a belt! The tape only sticks to itself and leaves no glue behind.
Liebe Seele Silky Cotton Shibari Rope 10m (Black), bondage rope
A form of modern seductive art originating in Japan. Open yourself to the beauty of tying.
Liebe Seele Silky Cotton Shibari Rope 5m (Black), bondage rope
A form of modern seductive art originating in Japan. Open yourself to the beauty of tying.
Liebe Seele Bondage Tape 25m (Black), intimate bondage tape
Semi-transparent PVC tape for tying. 25 meters of sexy bondage tape that doesn't stick, only to itself!
Bedroom Fantasies Kinbaku Rope 5m (Black), bondage rope
Open yourself to the beauty of the Japanese art of body binding. Cotton rope is ideal for beginners. Comfortable kinky rope with a length of 5 meters.
Bedroom Fantasies Bondage Tape 20m (Black), sexy bondage tape
Kinky tie-up tape for sexy play. The tape doesn't use glue, it holds with knots and on itself. Replaces tying with a belt or tie.
INTOYOU Bondage Satin Ribbon
Shiny, seductive ... Black ribbon is suitable as a fashion accessory, but also ideal for tying. Light BDSM in the form of hand or foot bondage. Beautiful pleasant material.
Bondage Tape 15 m (Black)
Did you know that Bondage Tape does not stick to skin or hair? It is made of 100% polyvinyl chloride. This means that you can experiment without worrying about unpleasant tearing or pain. Safety and comfort in the first place!
Fetish Fantasy Pleasure Tape Black
Did you know that the Fetish Fantasy Pleasure Tape only sticks to itself? This means no sticky residue and no hair pulling. Perfect for bondage games and creative outfits.
FETISH - Japanese Silk Rope
Looking for a way to take your Shibari skills to the next level? Our 10.5 meter rope is ideal for both beginners and experts.
TABOOM Bondage Rope 5 meter / 7 mm (Black)
Experience your fantasy kinky with the TABOOM Bondage Rope. High quality solid mooring rope with a fine surface. A nice start to the BDSM world of bonding. Suitable for beginners and experienced. Length 5 meters, ⌀ 7 mm.
Jak používat bondážní lana nejen pro BDSM
Oddej se partnerovi, poslechni každý jeho rozkaz nebo si naopak užívej bezmoc, která tě tak rozpaluje a nech se potrestat za každé neuposlechnutí. Nejprve svaž tomu druhému ruce za zády a pozoruj, jak se oba cítíte. Vsadíme se, že budete chtít jít dál… objevovat nové hranice.
Vyzkoušej třeba Sex Extra Bondage lano, vyrobené ze 100% bavlny, které neklouže, ale zároveň je měkké a tolik se nezařezává. Nebo rovnou investuj do sady Secret Pleasure Chest Black, díky které objevíš všechna zákoutí bondáže.
Chceš také proniknout do technik svazování? Přečti si náš článek o Shibari – technice svazování s Japonska, která se zaměřuje na oblast trupu.