Spooning is shrouded in a cloud of prejudice.
Many people believe that this position is good only after a sleepless night or for lazy and inactive individuals. But the opposite is true!
This cozy position, where you can feel from head to toe with your dear half, brings with it a lot of exciting benefits.
Experience truly unforgettable intimate moments thanks to this extremely contact position.
Body to body
The position of the spoons is perfect not only for heterosexual couples.
This position perfectly provides a feeling of closeness and an opportunity to stimulate the whole body.
Its design is really simple and not physically demanding.
Neither of you has to hold your body weight, you have the opportunity to really relax, there is no need to hold the position of your body in any way.
So you can indulge in fun in this position for as long as you want. All you have to do is lie on your side, with your faces pointing in the same direction.
Your dear half then inserts his limb from behind and presses properly against you, the depth depends entirely on it.
In this setting, it can be easily checked.
Let him grab you by the hips. Thanks to the handle, the addition is all the easier and more intense.
The hip bones are an erogenous zone, don't let your partner miss them.
You have both hands free at the moment. Your partner can stimulate your nipples or clitoris.
Thanks to close contact, it can reach literally anywhere.
Even if you are lying in front of your partner, you can grab his ass or hair.
Even your possibilities are inexhaustible.
What do I need to set up?
Not a problem!
You can lift a leg that you are not lying on. This frees up even more space to stimulate the clitoris.
Your leg is free, you have the opportunity to hug your partner and anchor in a pleasant position for you.
Discover which spooning setting is the most exciting for you, keep reading for inspiration.
Fun variations of spooning
In addition to the basic position, there is also the position of the so-called half spoon.
Let your loved one stay on his side.
You lie on your back and lift your leg so that there is room for a rectangular penetration.
In addition to half spooning, there is the opposite spooning.
Setup is easy.
Press your bodies together, but look each other in the face with your legs intertwined.
Contact is just as close, but now you can kiss.
You can also stick out more, move your torso away from your partner and give him the opportunity to stimulate your G-spot.
This angle of penetration naturally tilts the pelvis in a manner that is ideal for hitting the internal erogenous zones in the vagina.
If you are not feeling in a lying position, sit on a chair.
The course and method is exactly the same. The only thing that is different is that your dear half is sitting on a chair.
Your whole weight rests on his penis, just indulge in that intense pleasure.
You can feel his whole body.
Thanks to the surrounding space, your partner can hug you and press you properly.
Are you tired after saddling your husband?
Moving to this resting position is easy and smooth from almost any previous position.
His cock doesn't have to leave your vagina for a moment.
Spooning may not always involve penetration.
Irritate your loved one immediately after waking up or at bedtime.
Enjoy masturbation with slightly intertwined legs and let this inconspicuous and nice awakening or lying down turn into passionate games!
Whether you are experienced in sex or just starting out, this position will never bore you.
Surely thanks to her you will experience a lot of intense orgasms.