Bondage sets
Chceš přitvrdit a přemýšlíš, kde začít? Bondážní sady jsou ten správný start, když pronikáš do světa BDSM. Pokud jsi přiznivec svazování, nesmíš minout sadu Bad Kitty – postelová bondage, pomocí které připoutáš partnera k matraci.
A rozkoš může začít.
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Missionary aid Fetish Submissive DOMINATION SET
Bondage set Fetish Submissive DOMINATION SET is an ideal choice for lovers of the missionary position. It has a padded neck band. Man-made fiber skeleton. Ankle and wrist cuffs. Length adjustable. Vegan leather.
Strong collar with handcuffs Fetish Submissive COLLAR AND HANDCUFFS
Collar with handcuffs perfect for fans of hard games Fetish Submissive COLLAR AND HANDCUFFS. The collar is 50 cm long and 5.5 cm high. The handcuffs are attached to the collar through metal chains. The cuffs are 5.5 cm high with a diameter of 8 cm. V
Strong collar with handcuffs Fetish Submissive BOUND NECK TO WRIST RESTRAINTS
Collar with handcuffs perfect for fans of hard games Fetish Submissive BOUND NECK TO WRIST RESTRAINTS. The collar is 44 cm long with a height of 5.5 cm. The handcuffs are attached to the collar through metal chains. The cuffs are 5.5 cm high with a d
Fetish Submissive BOUND 4-WAY HOGTIE
A strong cross ready for intense BDSM play. The fetish submissive BOUND 4-WAY HOGTIE bondage cross is made of high-quality vegan leather and strong steel. It is all in black. The arm length is 13 cm.
Fetish Submissive SPREADER BAR black spreading bondage bar
FETISH SUBMISSIVE comes up with new ways to bind your beloved counterpart. Fetish Submissive SPREADER BAR - a sophisticated bondage belt together with hand and ankle cuffs will keep you firmly in place.
Beginner bondage set XOXO Bellamy Bondage Set pink
Expand your horizons and discover the beauty of BDSM fun with the beautiful pink XOXO Bellamy Bondage Set. You will enjoy the moments of tension and pain more than enough.
Pásová bondage Bad Kitty Arm and Leg Restraints
Belt bondage consisting of 4 pieces of movement restraints. Tie up your bitch and do whatever you want with her. Choose your location and start experimenting today.
EasyToys Leather Collar With Handcuffs kožený set obojek a pouta
Robustní set BDSM erotických pomůcek EasyToys Leather Collar With Handcuffs. Sada obsahuje pouta a obojek z imitace kůže. Spojeny jsou spolu kovovým řetízkem. Délka obojku 45-58 cm. Délka pout 11-28 cm. Vytvoří atmosféru a zvýší sexuální požitek.
Bad Kitty Neck Restraint with Handcuffs
Bandages around the neck and tummy Bad Kitty Neck Restraint with Handcuffs. Each part is adjustable in length. Comfortable but firm grip. The surface imitates the skin. Black finish. Each part is thoroughly stitched with thread.
Bad Kitty - bondage set
When was the last time you tried something for the first time? Bad Kitty - bondage set offers the opportunity to explore the unknown and revive your intimate life.
Bad Kitty - bondage set
Every element of this set is designed with comfort and safety in mind. With this set, every touch will be a story of passion and excitement.
Co obsahuje nejoblibenější bondážní sada Bad Kitty
V bondážní sadě Bad Kitty dostaneš pouta na zápěstí, pouta na kotníky, obojek s vodítkem, plácačku, bičík, masku přes oči a roubík. Ochutnáš tak každý kout BDSM světa – je jen na tobě, jestli se necháš spoutat, předáš vodítko svému pánovi nebo si necháš naplácat na zadek. Nebo tě láká dominantní role? Není problém. Fantazii se meze nekladou a je jen na vás dvou, kdo bude kdo a jak daleko zajdete.